Video: Census of Population web pages: Introduction - Transcription
Welcome to the “Census of Population web pages: Introduction” video.
This video provides an overview of the major links and features that are found on the Census of Population home page.
The Census home page contains a wealth of links and products that will help you find census data, review analytical articles, access educational tools and more.
(The title screen transitions to the top of the Census of Population home page.)
Let’s start with the search bar.
(The search bar located at the top of the Census of Population home page is highlighted.)
By typing a place name, a postal code, or a geographic code, you will quickly find information related to the 2021 Census.
For example, if you type “Winnipeg” in the search bar, select “Winnipeg, City (Census subdivision), Manitoba”
from the drop-down list and click on the search icon, you will have access to the following information:
- The 2021 Census of Population geographic summary for Winnipeg, City,
which includes a map,
key indicators,
a profile table,
and data visualizations related to this place name.
- The 2021 Census products for Winnipeg, City, such as data products, analytical products, and maps.
- Similar information for the neighbouring census subdivisions.
Going back to the Census of Population home page, just beneath the search bar, you will find four quick links.
(The following four quick links are highlighted: "2021 Census Profile," "Census datasets (1981-2021)," "Web Data Service (WDS)" and "GeoSearch".)
The first link takes you to the 2021 Census Profile home page which provides 2021 census data for various levels of geography.
More information on the Census profile can be found in videos 2, 3 and 4.
(The "2021 Census Profile" link is left clicked and the "Census Profile, 2021 Census of Population" page appears.)
(The back arrow is then left clicked, which brings us back to the top of the Census of Population home page.)
The second link will bring you to the “Census Datasets” home page, which is a multi-census-year portal that will be discussed later in this video.
(The "Census datasets (1981-2021)" link is left clicked and the "Census Datasets" page appears.)
(The back arrow is then left clicked, which brings us back to the top of the Census of Population home page.)
The third link will bring you to the 2021 Census Profile Web Data Service User Guide home page.
(The "Web Data Service (WDS)" link is left clicked and the "2021 Census Profile Web Data Service User Guide" page appears.)
(The back arrow is then left clicked, which brings us back to the "More from the census" section on the home page.)
The fourth link will bring you to GeoSearch, which is an interactive mapping application that makes it easy to find geographic areas in Canada for which census data are available.
(The "GeoSearch" link is left clicked and the "GeoSearch" page appears.)
(The back arrow is then left clicked, which brings us back to the "More from the census" section on the home page.)
We will now look at the navigation bar on the Census of Population home page.
(The ribbon of buttons found underneath the previous four quick links of the home page is highlighted.)
This bar will give you access to
census data,
analysis of the census data,
reference materials,
the different topics from the census questionnaires,
and census geography.
(Each button is highlighted and left clicked on as it is referred to: Census data, Census analysis, Census reference, Census topics, and Census geography. After each button is clicked on, the corresponding page appears. The Back button at the top left of the browser is used to return to the home page each time.)
These will be discussed in other videos.
There is also a link that takes you to the Census of Agriculture.
(The Census of Agriculture button is highlighted.)
Underneath the navigation bar, you can find Key Indicators for the 2021 Census of Population.
(The screen scrolls down the page to the Key indicators section and the section is highlighted.)
Key indicators will give you a quick snapshot of the type of data that can be found on the website for a specific geography.
By default, it displays the population and dwelling counts for Canada.
By clicking on the right arrow, you will see more data related to Canada.
The links below will provide more detailed information on each of these key indicators.
(The link underneath the second key indicator from the left is left clicked on, and the "Population and dwelling counts: Canada, provinces and territories" table is shown.)
You can also change the quick view. From the drop-down menus, you can select different provinces or territories, as well as various census concepts.
For example, if you want data on housing in Newfoundland and Labrador, you can select Newfoundland and Labrador from the first drop-down menu and Housing from the second drop-down menu.
(The cursor left clicks on the left drop-down menu that had "Canada" selected as its default. The cursor moves down the list and then left clicks on "Newfoundland and Labrador." Next, the cursor left clicks on the right drop-down menu that had "Population and dwelling counts" selected as its default. The cursor moves down the the list and left clicks on "Housing.")
Here, you can see that 75.7% of persons living in this province own a house along with other data on shelter costs, dwelling conditions, etc.
(The left box that has the number 75.7 and the words "Homeownership rate (%)" is highlighted.)
If you want to see all available key indicators for any geographic level in list view, you can click on the “View all key indicators” link.
(The "View all key indicators" link, located to the right of the "Key indicators" title is highlighted.)
Next, we have Census News.
(The screen scrolls down the page to the Census news section and the section is highlighted.)
Here you can find links to the latest releases and updates for the 2021 Census of Population.
You can also find all releases by clicking on this link or you can find upcoming releases by clicking on this link.
(First, the "View all releases" link is highlighted. Next, the "View upcoming releases" link is highlighted.)
Underneath Census News, you can find our Featured data visualization products.
(The screen scrolls down the page to the Featured data visualization section and the section is highlighted.)
As numbers in tables can be difficult to read and view at a glance, many products were created to make viewing and understanding the data easier.
Four of these popular products are shown here:
- “Focus on Geography Series”
- “Income Explorer, 2021 Census”
- “Census Program Data Viewer”
- “Thematic maps.”
(Various examples of charts are shown when "Focus on Geography Series" and "Income Explorer, 2021 Census" are said, and various examples of maps are show when "Census Program Data Viewer" and "Thematic maps" are said.)
To view other visualization products like
interactive dashboards,
and charts,
click on the "View all data visualization” link.
(The "View all data visualization" link is highlighted.)
The last section of the home page is called “More from the census.”
(The screen scrolls down the page to the "More from the census" section and the section is highlighted.)
Here you will find additional links to pages related to the Census of Population.
For example, you can find data and a vast array of information from previous censuses by clicking on the Previous censuses link.
(The "Previous censuses" link is highlighted.)
Let’s take a closer look.
By clicking on the Previous censuses link, you can see a list of links that will bring you to past censuses home pages, going back to the 1996 Census.
(The "Previous censuses" link is left clicked on and the Previous censuses page appears.)
(The 1996 to the 2016 Censuses links are highlighted.)
(The 1996 Census link is left clicked and the to the 1996 Censuses home page is shown.)
(The back arrow is then left clicked, which brings us back to the "Previous Censuses" page )
Moreover, by clicking on the "Census Datasets" link, it is possible to go even further back and find information on the 1986 and 1981 Censuses.
(The "Census Datasets" link is left clicked on and the Census Datasets page appears.)
Let’s say you want to see some data from the 1981 Census. You can do this by clicking on the drop-down menu on the left of the page.
(The cursor moves to hover over the drop-down menu that has "2016 Census - Part A (short-form questionnaire)" selected as its default.)
Select 1981 Census
and click Submit.
(The cursor moves down the list and then left clicks on "1981 Census." Next, the cursor left clicks on the "Submit" button located underneath the drop-down menu.)
As you can see, there are several census data tables and profiles available for 1981.
If you wish, you can filter the tables by selecting the various filter options available on the left side of the page.
(The screen scrolls down, which shows multiple tables listed on the right side of the screen. The filter options list on the left side of the screen is then highlighted.)
Now, let’s return to the home page.
(The back arrow is then left clicked twice, which brings us back to the "More from the census" section on the home page.)
Census web portal also offers educational training videos through the Census learning centre.
(The "Census learning centre" link is highlighted.)
Clicking on this link brings you to a collection of videos that introduce and explain the 2021 Census of Population concepts.
By default, these videos are sorted by most recently released, but can be filtered by typing a keyword in the "Filter items" box or by clicking on one of the learning topics.
For example, if you click on the “Commuting” button, you will see the video that covers commuting census concepts.
(The link to the "Commuting" video is shown.)
If you click on the link, it brings you to a new page that contains information about the video, useful links, the video itself, the closed captions, and a transcript of the video.
Going back to the “More from the census” section, the “Custom services” link explains how products and services can be tailored to your needs.
(The "Custom services" link is left clicked and the "Custom services, 2021 Census" page appears.)
(The back arrow is then left clicked, which brings us back to the "More from the census" section on the home page.)
The “Accessing my census information” link, presents the Census Pension Searches Program that provides proof of age, length of residence in Canada, citizenship,
or Aboriginal identity from historic census, 2011 National Household Survey, and the 1940 National Registration records.
(The "Accessing my census information" link is left clicked and the "Accessing my census information" page appears.)
(The back arrow is then left clicked, which brings us back to the "More from the census" section on the home page.)
“The road to the 2026 Census” link provides information on the upcoming census.
(The "The road to the 2026 Census" link is left clicked and the "The road to the 2026 Census" page appears.)
(The back arrow is then left clicked, which brings us back to the "More from the census" section on the home page.)
The “Census engagement” link, provides various tools and resources for educators, businesses, community supporters and influencers to help them share information about the census.
(The "Census engagement" link is left clicked and the "Census engagement" page appears.)
(The back arrow is then left clicked, which brings us back to the "More from the census" section on the home page.)
Finally, the “Census consultation” link provides information on the consultation program that allows stakeholders to share their views on the content and dissemination strategy of the census.
(The "Census consultation" link is left clicked and the "Census consultation" page appears.)
This concludes the “Census of Population web pages: Introduction” video. Thank you for watching.
To view the next Census website video, go to the Census learning centre.
(The census logo appears with a link, which is also available to view here: Census learning center. The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) 978-0-660-71561-2 appears underneath the link.)
(The "Canada" wordmark appears.)