- Note 1
Data presented for all households in private dwellings.
Return to footnote 1 referrer
- Note 2
Data presented for owner and renter households with household total income greater than zero in non-reserve, non-farm private dwellings.
Return to footnote 2 referrer
- Note 3
Data presented for owner households with household total income greater than zero in non-reserve, non-farm private dwellings.
Return to footnote 3 referrer
- Note 4
Data presented for renter households with household total income greater than zero in non-reserve, non-farm private dwellings.
Return to footnote 4 referrer
- Note 5
Data presented for owner and renter households with household total income greater than zero, shelter-cost-to-income ratio less than 100% in non-reserve, non-farm private dwellings
Return to footnote 5 referrer
- Note 6
Data presented for owner households with household total income greater than zero, shelter-cost-to-income ratio less than 100% in non-reserve, non-farm private dwellings
Return to footnote 6 referrer
- Note 7
Data presented for renter households with household total income greater than zero, shelter-cost-to-income ratio less than 100% in non-reserve, non-farm private dwellings
Return to footnote 7 referrer
- Note 8
The Gini coefficient, or Gini index, is a measure of inequality that indicates how equally income is distributed for a given population. It measures how much an income distribution deviates from perfect equality. Values of the Gini coefficient can range from 0 to 1. A value of 0 indicates that income is equally divided among the population, with all units receiving exactly the same amount of income. At the opposite extreme, a Gini coefficient of 1 denotes a perfectly unequal distribution, where one unit has all of the income in the economy.
For the census, Gini coefficients are calculated for three types of adjusted household income—market income, total income and after tax income. Adjusted income is computed by dividing the household income by a factor equal to the square root of the household size (known as the equivalence scale). This adjustment for different household sizes takes into account economies of scale. It reflects the fact that the needs of a household increase, but at a decreasing rate, as the number of members increases.
Return to footnote 8 referrer
- Note 9
"STEM occupations" refers to occupations related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Return to footnote 9 referrer
- Note 10
For information on data scientist occupations, refer to National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 Version 1.0, 21211 - Data scientists
Return to footnote 10 referrer